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Alabama Senate Passes Permitless Carry Bill By 25-8 Vote

TUSCALOOSA, ALABAMA — In a stunning win for concealed carriers everywhere, the Alabama senate has voted to allow the concealed carry of handguns without a permit.

Hail to the Constitution, baby.

Not only did the senate vote to allow permitless carry, but they voted to bring it in by a landslide.

WIAT reports that senators approved the bill with an incredible 25-8 vote on Tuesday afternoon.

Also according to WIAT, citing the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence, there are currently 11 states that allow public, permitless concealment.

Melissa Baisden, Plus One Tactical Advantage gun store in Cottondale, is elated.

“It simplifies the ability for the average everyday citizen to understand what is legal and what is not legal while transporting that firearm,” she said according to WIAT.

“Many of (our) customers don’t understand the law, and if they leave here with a loaded gun without a permit and put it inside their vehicle they could possibly be subjected to criminal proceedings,” Baisden continued.

“If they get in trouble, or stopped by law enforcement they need to know the law, and this bill will help simplify things.”

Of course, this bill does a little bit more than clear up some legal fuzzy areas.

It acknowledges a right to bear arms guaranteed to American citizens by the Constitution.

The fact of the matter is — the Constitution claims we have the right to bear arms. The government putting limits on that is really tricky, because even the most basic limitations on bearing arms call into question the government’s authority to regulate the matter.

The approved bill is moving on to the house, according to WIAT, and hopefully to the history books.

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