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[CCW IN ACTION] Woman Held Up At Walmart, Good Samaritan Stops Kidnapping And Getaway

HARRISBURG, PENNSYLVANIA — When a stranger approached a woman in the parking lot fo a Walmart and told her to get in and drive or else he would stick her with something that gave her HIV, she complied not knowing what else there was to do. Thankfully, as she approached a red light, another woman got out of her vehicle and pointed a gun at the suspect. He exited the vehicle and fled. Police tracked him down and took him into custody.

According to ABC News 27, 45-year-old Michael Ortiz is being charged with robbery of a motor vehicle and kidnapping amongst other offenses. The occupants of the commandeered vehicle credit the Good Samaritan’s fast actions to potentially saving their lives and stopping the crime from escalating further. Ortiz is believed to have stolen from the Walmart and was being pursued by security guards when he attempted the kidnapping and car theft.

When he was stopped at the red light, the woman with a concealed carry permit told him to exit the vehicle. During this time, she allegedly fired a single shot but it is unknown as to whether Ortiz was hit.

Ortiz was captured after an extensive manhunt. Police used a helicopter and K-9 units to track Ortiz and arrest him. He has prior convictions related to larceny and other charges.

To the female concealed carrier who stepped up to the plate — you’re a hero.

You risked your life to save complete strangers who you saw were being subject to a violent kidnapping and took initiative. It takes a lot of guts to do that.

Police have obviously filed no charges against the concealed carrier, who produced her permit and complied with the investigators.

Ortiz was linked by surveillance footage released by Walmart in addition to multiple eye-witness testimony. He’ll be off the streets for quite awhile. And best of all, it was another armed citizen who stepped up and saved the lives of two people she didn’t even know.

That’s why we urge everyone to carry concealed every single day, everywhere legally permissible. Sometimes it’s your life that you save, sometimes it’s your family. And other times, it may just be some unlucky soul that got caught in the wrong place at the wrong time… And if you weren’t there, who the heck knows what would have happened.

This is a win for this concealed carrier and her entire community.

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