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Armed Robber’s Bad Luck, Pegs Off-Duty NYPD As Easy Mark

BROOKLYN, NEW YORK — In the Big Apple, there’s millions of people walking around at any one given time. Out of all of the people, in all of the places, one armed robber chose his mark outside an eatery in a good part of Brooklyn. What are the chances it would be an off-duty NYPD officer?

According to Time Warner Cable News 1, the officer is believed to have been attacked by a 32-year-old assailant. After a brief confrontation, witnesses report they heard shots ring out. The officer’s assailant was struck once in the leg. No word if the alleged thief’s injuries were due to his own gun or the officer’s.

In New York City, a special permit to carry a concealed firearm is required. The permitting process is extremely expensive and exclusive, dissuading most people from pursuing it. For NYPD, they are protected under the Law Enforcement Officer’s Safety Act (LEOSA) which enables them to carry a gun in all 50 states.

Witnesses in the area were shocked because the location is believed to be a low crime area.

“The neighborhood is very quiet, very peaceful. My son goes out late at night and walks around all the time, and nothing happens. I just suddenly heard these shots. The neighborhood is usually wonderful. I guess every so often something awry happens in a wonderful neighborhood too,” said one witness.

Some of our audience may chuckle at this last line. The idea of a safe, wonderful neighborhood is largely an illusion. Violence, as we’ve shown, can happen anywhere and for any reason. Violent people are like pizza delivery — if you have the cash, they’ll come to you.

Hitting up someone walking outside an eatery in the early hours of the morning, in a good neighborhood, in a city that dissuades civilians from carrying guns, is a pretty easy mark.

The only downside is occasionally you run into an off-duty NYPD officer. Not only will they not back down, it probably won’t be over until one or both parties is severely injured. They’re like the pitbulls of police.

Here’s the problem: this thug hasn’t learned a thing. He’ll recover from his leg injuries and he’ll get out of prison. The only thing he’ll have learned is how to peg an off-duty NYPD officer just a bit better than before. So long as he doesn’t roll “snake eyes”, he’s good to go.

For those of us who live in other parts of the country, we can increase the odds of armed thugs rolling snake eyes. We can choose to carry a concealed handgun every single day and train with it. That way, it’s not just pitbulls that criminals are worried about — it’s the rest of us, too.

Help thugs switch careers. Carry concealed.

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