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[VIDEO] 7-Year-Old Boy Takes On Armed Robber, Throwing Punches Left And Right

A 7-year-old boy, enjoying a day at GameStop with his father, knew danger when it was coming his way. His decision? To fight with all his might.

Surveillance video from the Silver Spring GameStop store shows the seven-year-old approach one of the gun-wielding men and punch him twice. SILVER SPRING, MD. — A 7-year old boy fought back when armed robbers hit a video game store.

The boy was shopping with his dad at GameStop last week.

Security video recorded two men wearing masks walk into the store. When they ordered all the customers against a wall… the boy starts throwing punches. The man overpowers the boy and drags him behind the counter with his dad.

No one was hurt.

The men got away cash from the register and some personal items.

The scary moments in the above video show the young boy trying to fight the armed robber, all while he’s pointing a gun at employees inside the store. Luckily the boy wasn’t injured, but the fight is strong with him.

These criminals, whether up against armed citizens or children with a desire to help in a bad situation, should really choose a new career path. Not many people are tolerating their sh*t anymore.

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