My First Ride With Appendix Carry, Part 1

I’ve always carried around the 4 o’clock position, IWB. It’s been that way since nearly the beginning. Every time we get a new holster to review, it’s distributed to a writer. Sometimes it’s me, sometimes it’s not. I decided to do my first review of an appendix carry holster, and it’s also my first time truly carrying in that fashion.

Why have I never done it before? It’s not because I don’t like it, it’s really because I find myself driving a lot. It’s uncomfortable for me while sitting in the car, so that’s why IWB around 4 is my preferred method (among many other reasons).

The holster is from a company called Accelerated Solutions, and they make some great products. This isn’t the review of the holster… just pointing that out. That’ll be out in the coming weeks.

I’m a small guy, and a gun up front –even a small one– takes up a good portion of the area. It’s comfortable, but it’s sometimes difficult to not print with just a t-shirt on. After all it’s almost summer, and I won’t be walking around in a jacket.

I spent nearly a decade working in banking. I was on my feet a lot and could see appendix carry being a solid option in that environment. The employer probably wouldn’t have liked it, but concealed means…

It’s just that dang sitting… I’ll be back in a few weeks with some more thoughts.

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