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Just Let It Go: Woman Has Gun Pointed At Her Face As She Tries To Stop People From Stealing Her Car

I’ll tell ya, this woman is lucky to be alive.

As a group of armed men were trying to take her car, she wasn’t having it and was arguing with them, even while one of the men had a gun pointed directly at her face.

That same man eventually pulled the trigger multiple times, missing the woman with each shot.

They made it about 4 feet until running into the car parked ahead of them because the driver didn’t know how to drive a manual. Lolzz.

But in all seriousness, if I’m looking directly at a gun that’s 6 inches from my face and the guy wants my car, have at it. No vehicle anywhere is worth trying to stop them from doing what they’re looking to do, especially if they’ve already got you in their sights.

Just let it go.

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