VOTE NOW: The Best Holster In The History Of Ever, Version 2016

Back in our early days of 2014, we ran a very successful poll and asked one simple question: Which holster company is your favorite? Over 20,000 votes were captured.

Well, we’re doing it again. Except this time, it’s going to be a little more personal.

The great folks over at the /CCW subreddit released a poll that showed not only what holsters people owned, but which ones they actually used. We couldn’t agree more that there’s a big difference, and we wanted to see what results we could come up with in comparison.

The new poll below aims to find the Utilization Rate of holsters, as well as other variables, by asking five simple questions:

1) What holster(s) have you owned?
2) What holster(s) have you actually used on a regular basis?
3) What holster is the most comfortable?
4) What holster is the best bang for your buck?
5) Which holster companies have seen your repeat business?

That’s it! The poll will run for the entire month of March. At the end, we’ll find the utilization rate for each holster voted on, as well as the #1 most comfortable holster and the #1 best bang for your buck, and see just how many of you have gone back to the same company for more products.


You may vote ONCE, for the duration of the poll. If your holster(s) is not on the current list, you may add it at the end of each question by filling out the name of the holster company in the ‘Other’ field.


Any holster company may share this page URL to give their fans access to the poll. However, holster companies may not entice or solicit responses by offering any type of giveaway for participating, or any other similar method in an attempt to solicit participation, other than providing the link to this page (custom graphics are ok, too). Any holster companies found to engage is such activity will be immediately disqualified from the poll, at the discretion of Concealed Nation. When in doubt, just ask!

Ready To Vote?

Cast your votes below! If you are having trouble viewing the embedded poll below, please use this direct link.

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