
#DIGTHERIG – Dave and his Springfield XDS 3.3 9mm

1. Springfield XDS 3.3 9mm, camo slide cerakote by XDMAN, and XS Big Dot night sights

2. Alien Gear cloaktuck 3.0

3. I have carried many different rigs over the last several years from commander length 1911s to a Sig P238, but always in an alien gear holster. The alien gear, specifically the 3.0 now is the most comfortable holster I have found. As a guy with some love handles, the steel insert really helps to keep the top of the holster from rolling outward when I (unfortunately) have to secure my gun in the car while at the office. It’s too much hassle to have to remove the holster and gun, so the holster stays on all day so I I holster and reholster easily before and after work. With the combination of the XDS and the alien gear 3.0, it is the most comfortable setup i have found without sacrificing too much.

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