How Many Steps Did Brandon Take On The SHOT Show Floor? More Importantly, Who Won The $500 Gift Certificate To Patriot Outfitters Guns?!

It’s Friday, and we’re still recovering from our trip to Las Vegas for the 2016 SHOT Show event. We had an absolute blast and met so many wonderful people in the industry. Long story short, we can’t wait to get back to Vegas for next year!

While we had many meetings throughout the week, we were still walking the floor as much as we could. Each day, we kept track of steps taken on the floor by Brandon, and have the final results for you below:

Tuesday: 7,248 steps

Wednesday: 8,121 steps

Thursday: 6,829 steps

Friday: 5,356 steps

Total: 27,554 steps

If has accurate information, which states the average person takes 2,000 steps per mile, Brandon walked roughly 14 miles on the floor.

While going through the valid guesses on the original post, we were shocked to see that the closest person, seen below, was off by merely 10 steps! We’re going to use this guy to pick the winning lottery tickets next time we play, that’s for sure.

ScreenHunter_80 Jan. 28 01.07

Congratulations, bob! You’re the winner of a $500 Gift Certificate to Patriot Outfitters Guns! Thank you to everyone who participated!

If you’re in the market for a new firearm and/or accessories (including ammo), check out our friends at Patriot Outfitters Guns to see their excellent selection.

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