There’s Something Very Important In This Picture

It’s not the Jeep, although I’ll admit that I’d love to have that parked in my driveway.

Keep looking and once you see it, you’ll know. Good, you found it! And so have thousands of other people across the country.

That’s right; a self-defense shooting by a concealed carrier makes a trending topic on Facebook. It’s monumental when social media takes a moment to recognize something like this. After all, it should be important to anyone who values personal safety and innocent life.

Of course these trending stories change on a regular basis, but seeing this in the mix leads me to believe that we’re taking steps in the right direction as a society. Now, more people than ever before are arming themselves outside the home.

It’s because of incidents like this that I smile when someone tells me ‘I responsibly carry a firearm’. To me, it means that one less person in the world is saying ‘I refuse to be a victim’.

ScreenHunter_148 Nov. 01 22.28

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