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Trump To Possibly Change Gun Free Zone Policies At His Properties

By Robert Farago via The Truth About Guns

Donald Trump got the only gun control question in last night’s presidential debate. Luckily for Trump, before the gun-free zones softball arrived his way, Senator Ted Cruz bitch-slapped the moderators for their immoderate, not-to-say demeaning and insulting tone and questions. If Ted hadn’t ripped CNBC a new one, The Donald may have taken it on the chin for his anti-GFZ remarks – given that many of his hotels prohibit firearms. As it was . . .

the questioner told Trump his peeps had called The Donald’s properties and discovered guns were banned. He quickly asked The Donald if he’d consider changing that policy (immediately after the remarks above). To which Trump replied, “I would consider it.”

How magnanimous! A genuine gotcha swept under the proverbial rug. I wonder if there’ll be any follow-up.

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