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Thousands Of Vets In FL Get Fast Track To Concealed Carry Permits

Since the deadly attacks at two military recruitment centers in Tennessee two months ago, Florida Governor Rick Scott has issued an Executive Order that focused on protecting the National Guard in his state.

The order includes speeding up the concealed carry permit applications for active military and vets.

“So, we went about and developed a business model and try to focus on receiving an application, and turning that application back within 30 days. And, our intention was receive an application either in our regional offices—we have eight around the state—13 current tax collectors are part of our partnership, where the veteran or active duty person can go into the tax collector as well, and/or through traditional snail mail,” said Grea Bevis, giving an update to Florida lawmakers during a recent meeting of the House Military and Veteran Affairs Subcommittee.

When plans are put in place that just make sense, it’s pretty remarkable as to what can actually be accomplished in such a short amount of time… as mentioned below.

“So, we felt like 30 days was achievable,” said Bevis. “So, we developed a business model. And, since then, 60 days ago today since we basically started looking at this, I’m pleased to report we have issued 7,549 licenses to either current military personnel and/or veterans. Currently, we’ve got 311 in a respective queue and our average time right now is roughly six days on turnaround.”

For any active military members and veterans who are interested in taking part in the expedited processing, they can receive more information at FreshFromFlorida.com/CWL

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