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[VIDEO] What To Do With Your Concealed Carry Firearm In A Public Restroom

^^VIDEO^^ What do I do when I’m doing number 2? For the most part, we likely get this business done in the comfort of our own homes. What, though, should you do with your holstered firearm when doing the deed? There’s no perfect way for everyone, but here are some tips to help make things a little easier and hopefully more comfortable.

Tip #1

Keep your firearm holstered. There is no reason to unholster your firearm.

Tip #2

Along the  lines of keeping your firearm holstered, you also shouldn’t be putting your firearm anywhere that you don’t have 100% control over it. That includes places like on the back of the toilet, on the toilet paper dispenser, etc. gunsbathroom

Tip #3

Try to get corner stall. If the stall panels are high, you only have to worry about being spotted on one side. Your firearm shouldn’t be spotted at all, but this gives you 50% less of a chance of that happening if things go wrong.

Tip #4

If you’re in a place like walmart, try going to the ‘family restrooms’ that are usually located in the back of the store. You’ll be the only one in there and have the entire restroom to yourself, and can lock the door securely.

Tip #5

As demonstrated in the above video, don’t put pants all the way down. Keep them around your knees, and use your knees to push on both sides so that the firearm stays in place as if it were on your hip. An even better thing to do in combination with this is to re-buckle your belt. ScreenHunter_563 May. 06 21.35

Tip #6

Another thing covered in the video: Don’t fold the firearm and holster over. Once you do that, now the gun is pointing up, and that’s not safe. We should always be making sure that we’re aware of the direction our firearm is pointed at all times, just as we normally would any other time.

Tip #7

Take your time pulling your pants down and bringing them back up. There is no rush (unless you just had taco bell or bad sushi). Make sure the firearm and holster isn’t flopping around. You want it to be in a tight, secure position while you’re doing your business.

Tip #8

If you’re a “hover-over-the-toilet-to-wipe” person, pay extra attention to your rig while you’re . . . hovering. One bad move and your holster could do a 180 on you and depending on retention (or lack thereof), could land your baby on the floor and if that happens, you may have some problems: such as a damaged firearm, someone seeing the drop, etc. Seriously, take the extra time to be careful and mindful of your rig and what it’s doing. Or just wear adult diapers when you go out.

Got any tips of your own?

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