
WARM WELCOME: Shannon Watts To Be Our Newest Contributor

We’re pleased to have Shannon Watts, founder of Mom’s Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, join us as the newest contributor for our website. Watts is eager to get her side of the story into many of our articles, and she hopes to shed some insight into why she does what she does. Who knows, maybe we’ll even see some guest posts from Bloomberg!

“Once we come together and set our differences aside, real changes can be made for the better. I think that once we completely eliminate violence, there will be no need for Concealed Nation, no need for guns, which will allow you to move onto another project,” reportedly says Watts. “I hear you like jet-skiing, think of all the time you’ll have to do that instead!”

So why the change of heart? Recently, Watts was seen at a gun range shooting various automatic firearms. So I guess this, coupled with *April Fools day*, makes this article possible. If you’re still unsure, this is an April Fools joke.

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