Man Tries To Rob Undercover Police Officer At Bank, Guess How It Ends For Him

HOUSTON, TEXAS — A man picked the wrong target when he attempted to rob another man as he left a bank on Monday. Called a ‘jugging’, the man followed an undercover police officer from the bank to his car in an attempt to steal money that he had just withdrawn.

When the suspect attempted to break the window of the officer and grab the money, the officer was not having any of it.

The suspect took off in an SUV and after a chase that left numerous cars damaged, he was taken into custody.

This officer seems to have been aware of his surroundings, and we should all be extra cautious when visiting places such as the bank or an ATM. Criminals like to lurk in these areas, and it’s important to pay attention to those around you.

Even though this guy had no idea his intended victim was an officer, I’m still awarding him with a Darwin Award.

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