Long Island Homeowners Open Door Expecting Trick Or Treaters, Instead Finds Armed Men

A scary story unfolded at a residence in Long Island on Halloween night. A father, mother and two-year-old son were home handing out candy to trick-or-treaters when the doorbell rang again. Expecting more children, the mother opened the door to find five armed individuals instead, who quickly forced their way into the home.

According to Newsday.com, the intruders demanded that everyone sit down and when the father defied their instructions, was pistol whipped repeatedly. Both mother and father were tied up at the hands and feet while the intruders went through the home looking for valuables. The child was not tied up.

While the intruders were still in the home, the mother was able to free herself and grab her child. The two ran out of the house and headed to a neighbors to alert them of the home invasion.

“The lady was very hysterical. She said ‘Oh my God, someone came into my house and they’re beating my husband up,’ ” said the neighbor, who declined to give her name.

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By the time police arrived, the intruders were long gone. The homeowners were able to give police descriptions of the intruders, but they are still on the looser. There is no word on the condition of the father.

The neighbor who helped the mother and her child made a good point, and it reminds us that we must always remain vigilant:

“If you think about it, it was the best night to do a crime like that because it’s the one night you open your door to strangers without worrying about it,” she said. “It’s supposed to be fun.”

Luckily, no one was seriously injured. I’ll file this story under the “Why I Carry At Home” category because even on Halloween night, a time when you expect children to stop by for trick-or-treating, things can turn violent in an instant.

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