Woman Nearly Killed After Husband Released From Jail Early; Order Of Protection Doesn’t Mean S**t

A woman in TN said she saw ‘evil’ in her husband’s eyes when he began to stab her as many times as he could with a knife. He had just been let out of jail, and served less than half of his sentence due to ‘good behavior’. Why was he in jail? For threatening his wife.

The original sentence was for 1 year, but was reduced to just 90 days. Then, to award his ‘good behavior’, his sentence was reduced further to just 40 days served.

After he was let out, he got in a cab and headed directly to her apartment.

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He broke his way into her apartment and told her “You got to kill me”. He then chased her and stabbed her repeatedly. Eventually, she was saved when neighbors and family members heard the noise and intervened. The cab driver who dropped the husband off was also of help after realizing what was happening.

Possibly the worst part about this story is that she received a letter in the mail from the sheriff’s department warning her that her husband is to be released. The only problem is that the letter was postmarked four days after the attack. He was let out on Sep. 27th, yet they didn’t mailed the letter until Oct. 2nd.

“Are you serious?” the woman said. “You want to give this to me now?”

Getting away with her life after this attack, she says that she’ll be ready in case there is a repeat of events. Based on the interview, she seems to have her eye on a 9mm.

“I will have protection ready,” she said. “I’ll be ready.”

This is another case of so many across the country that demonstrate just how useless an order of protection actually is. If there is a true desire to do harm, harm will be attempted. I say attempted because some people refuse to be a victim. I hope that this woman is able to take the steps necessary to protect herself moving forward.

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