George Zimmerman To Tell His Side Of The Story

Be sure to tune in to Armed American Radio on Sunday, October 19. The website reported that George Zimmerman will be on the air to have the opportunity to share his side of the story. They will be broadcasting from a remote and undisclosed location.

Zimmerman is best known for being acquitted of the fatal shooting of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin on February 26, 2012, in Sanford, Florida. Mark Walters is the show’s host. He explains,

“What I want to do is have a conversation with George Zimmerman in such a fashion that the mainstream media won’t understand — that this is Armed American Radio. I’m pro-self defense, I’m pro-concealed carry.”

You may have heard about Zimmerman in the news during the past year for other unrelated run-ins with the law. He has been in trouble for traffic violations and has been accused of domestic abuse. The latest incident occurred on September 14 when he supposedly threatened to kill a man when the two were stopped at a red light.

Walters says,

“I come from a perspective that maybe a mainstream journalist doesn’t, so I want to have an opportunity to discuss with George Zimmerman his lifestyle both prior to (the Trayvon Martin shooting) and afterwards.”

You can listen to Armed American Radio Sunday nights at 8pm and 11pm, eastern time.

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