[CCW IN ACTION] Cleveland OH Man Saves Lives During Armed Robbery Attempt

A man in OH is in critical condition after he was shot by armed robbers. Before the fight was over though, the ‘victim’ was able to fire back with his concealed firearm.

The 29-year-old was being a Good Samaritan when he pulled over to help two women change a tire. Then, the following happened:

A vehicle occupied by several males pulled up, and one of them exited and asked for directions. As the victim provided directions, the suspect  pulled out a handgun and began to rob the victim and the two females.

Other passengers in the suspects’ vehicle also exited and participated in the robbery. At some point during the robbery, the victim drew his own weapon, and the victim and suspect exchanged gunfire.

The ‘victim’ was able to hit one of the suspects in the leg multiple times. This suspect was arrested, and police were also able to find three juveniles connected with the attempted robbery a short while later. All three are now in juvenile detention center.

Let’s just say that after one of their ‘victims’ started firing back, these thugs weren’t so tough anymore.

Luckily for the armed man, he had his firearm with him. Had he not, this story would have likely had a much different ending.

And unfortunately for the general public, these juveniles will likely be released in the near future to possibly kill someone.

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