St. Louis May Burn To The Ground: Another Man Is Shot And Killed By Police

A man charged at St. Louis police today with a knife and was shot dead. He had apparently just stolen two energy drinks and some pastries from a store and then went into the street acting erratically.

Police were called to the scene and soon after, the 23-year-old man started charging the officers with a knife that he had pulled from his waistband.

When he got within four feet of one officer, both cops fired their weapons at the man, who has not yet been identified. Dotson said that witnesses described it as “suicide by cop.”

A crowd of about 150 gathered at the scene of the shooting in the moments after the incident, many of whom expressed anger that cops had not used other means of restraint.

“You don’t need to shoot if you’ve got a Taser and he’s got a knife,” one bystander said.

We aren’t even going to speculate as to what happened today, but it’s one of the absolute worst things that could happen in the area right now. This police shooting comes just a week after Michael Brown was shot and killed in Ferguson, just miles from where this shooting occurred. The Michael Brown shooting has caused civil unrest in the area, to the point where the national guard has been called in.

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