Concealed Carrier in Florida Stops Knife Attack

A elderly man in Orange County FL happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, and another man happened to be in the right place at the right time.

The elderly man was the victim of a stabbing at a bus stop last Wednesday when an armed citizen witnessed the attack and jumped into action. Jeffery Hopkins (armed citizen) jumped out of his vehicle with his firearm, confronted Thomas Thorpe (scumbag), and held him at gunpoint until police arrived.

They said Thorpe was trying to take Sacco’s bag and started stabbing him in the process.

Several other witnesses who saw the stabbing jumped in to help.

Hopkins a said at first he thought the man was being punched, but then noticed the knife.

When deputies arrived at the scene, a knife was on the ground next to the bench and they found another knife in the suspect’s pocket.

“As I was getting out, I noticed the guy had a knife in his hand so I went for my gun and took him down,” Hopkins said. “He looked at me very scared. Then realized I was serious and dropped the knife and laid down immediately.”

Had Mr. Hopkins not been there, the elderly man may have ended up with more injuries than he had. Other people did step in to help, but the concealed carrier was the force needed to stop this attack from continuing.

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