A self defense shooting suspect’s family speaking out

An elderly woman had her home broken into twice before, and she was scared to live alone. A widow, she asked her brother to move in with her so that she would feel safer.

Then, the home was broken into again. This time though, the two teen suspects were shot and killed once they forced their way into the home.

According to the Sacramento Police Department, officers were called to the 1000 block of Arcade Boulevard around 12:18 a.m. Sunday for a robbery in progress. Once at the scene, however, officers found that two young men had been shot dead.

Investigators say one of the residents confronted the suspects during the burglary and fired a firearm in self-defense.

The family and friends of the two suspects are now speaking out about the shooting and aftermath. They say that the homeowners went too far.

“They didn’t deserve to get killed,” said the sister of 14-year-old Michael Sambrano.

“They were on their way out the door, and I just think it was wrong that they were shot,” said Christina Sambrano.

While it is sad and unfortunate that two young men lost their lives, we agree with the actions of the homeowners based on the information provided. If it came down to our family or the suspects, we would have done the same thing to protect our family and our home.

Many states have a Castle Doctrine law which generally state that if someone forces their way into your home and you are in fear for your life or safety, that you may use deadly force to stop that threat.

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