Firearm Safety
Not too long ago, we did an article discussing rotating the round that goes into your everyday carry gun’s chamber. What we didn’t expect was how prevalent a concern this was in the concealed carry gun community. In this article, we’re going to talk in a little more detail on what happens to the round…
The year is 1972. Men were men and sheep were scared. Wait, sorry, wrong intro. *Ahem* The year is 1972. President Nixon is still in office, the Godfather was just released, and ammunition standards decided to take a dip for the worst. Just one year prior, the Federal Reserve divorced from the Gold Standard and,…
What Would Your Response Be To A Person Who Carries A Firearm Without The Required Permit?
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We’ve gotten a few private messages in the past few days via our Facebook page concerning concealed carriers operating without a permit, leaving their permit at home, or knowing someone who is operating without a permit. We’ve been asked to weigh in — so we will. If you live in a state that requires you…
NY Man Shoots Himself In Foot While In Walmart With Gun He Shouldn’t Have Had: He’s Not One Of Us
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ONEIDA, NEW YORK — Important lessons can often be learned through very short stories with few details. Such is the case with an incident that occurred in a Oneida, New York Walmart. Though the details of the incident are limited, what is known, is that Guthrie J. Hood, 23 (who was authorized by the state of New…
COLUMBIA, SOUTH CAROLINA — A new measure has been introduced to the South Carolina House of Representatives which would allow teachers who undergo an extensive training regimen to be able to bring their concealed carry handgun into school. The bill was introduced by Rep. Phillip Lowe, who believes the best solution to criminals targeting “gun…
Amidst the discussion about gun control and all the legalities that may ensue from that, there is an actual legitimate issue that many who oppose guns have: negligent discharges. It was only a little while back that we covered a story on a drunk concealed carrier in Washington state who allegedly dropped his gun and…
RENTON, WASHINGTON — A man allegedly fumbled with his concealed carry pistol in a theater in Renton, Washington, before it negligently discharged and hit a woman sitting in front of him. Police quickly responded to the scene and the man reportedly appeared to be inebriated. He returned home where he then surrendered to police without…
ANCHORAGE, ALASKA — Fast thinking security guards, with the assistance of an armed bystander, subdued an armed 18-year-old shoplifter who attempted to draw down before being tackled and held at gunpoint. Thankfully, nobody was injured though the mall was briefly evacuated until authorities could be sure there was no further threat. As the Alaska Dispatch…