Firearm Safety
When You Should Take Your Gun To A Gunsmith
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Clack, clack, clack, clack… Crunch… If you’ve owned firearms for a good long while, you know that sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach when you pull the trigger of a gun only to feel some spring or pin come loose. It can happen to anyone. Guns, like any other mechanical device, are subject…
Recently, Arkansas legislators began working on a bill that would create an ‘enhanced’ concealed carry permit that allowed the permit holder to go onto the campuses of universities, churches, and other places where traditionally concealed carrier could not go. The big caveat is the permit applicant will need to have taken an advanced course curriculum…
For first time concealed carriers, the paranoia is completely understandable. If you’re carrying a concealed handgun for the first time, you’re probably worried about someone discovering you have a gun and confronting you about it. You’re probably worried about the gun falling out of your holster and knock around on the ground. You’re worried that…
Where Do You Put Your Gun While You Sleep?
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Many people throw a pistol in the nightstand next to their beds and that’s the ‘go-to’ gun while they sleep. But, recently, we got a lot of questions from readers who live in situations where that may not be an option. Because this question got asked many times from different viewpoints, we’re going to break…
This topic came up from a Concealed Nation reader who asked us via our Facebook page what he should do if he gets flagged by another gun owner while at the range. For those unfamiliar, the term ‘flagged’ refers to when a gun owner inadvertently points his pistol in an unsafe direction — sometimes at…
BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA — In a tragic case of irresponsible gun ownership, a man left his handgun in his vehicle unsecured, allowing for a three-year-old to gain access to it and accidentally shoot a four-year-old, WBRC reports. Apparently, the man had the gun holstered inside his truck while he was inside a house, but it was…