CCW In Action
With Her Daughter Alone And In Danger, This Armed Mom Didn’t Wait For Police To Handle Intruder
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FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA — A mother was on her way home from work one evening around 6 pm when her daughter called her with a frantic message; someone was breaking into the home, and she was home alone. Kari Bookmyer said she immediately felt compelled to come to her daughter’s aid after receiving her phone…
GREENSVILLE COUNTY, SOUTH CAROLINA — As gun owners, we chant the mantra all the time of “You never know when something might happen,” or “you have to always be prepared for anything.” For one South Carolina grocery shopper, those saying became reality when they had to defend their life during an assault. According to the…
Female Concealed Carrier Survives Robbery and Drive-By-Shooting, Shoots Attacker In Head
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COCOA, FLORIDA — It’s scary enough surviving and getting out of a robbery attempt, but then to be shot at in a drive by attack takes things to a whole new level. This female concealed carrier however managed to survive both and score a head-shot on one the attackers in the process. Witnesses told authorities…
HIGHLAND PARK, MICHIGAN — It was late at night, after 1am, and the restaurant was shutting down for the evening. A few patrons remained, along with one waitress and one bartender. That’s when someone came into the restaurant with a gun and attempted to rob the place. That robber never made it out alive. The…
SCOTTSDALE, ARIZONA — No matter what you do for a living, it’s always good to give it your full commitment. Then there are those people like this hotel clerk who goes way above and beyond their job description. As he walked through the hotel parking lot on a routine check, he spotted someone attempting to…
ATLANTA, GEORGIA — Sometimes it seems that these kinds of stories happen a lot, but unfortunately, they are rarely covered by the larger news organizations. We can never really have enough of these stories which prove guns in the hands of law abiding citizens save lives; and that people will defend themselves when given a…
Armed Robber In “Scream” Mask Flees When He Learns Intended Victim Is A Concealed Carrier
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FRANKLIN, KENTUCKY — Sometimes justice is poetic. Evidence of that can be seen here in Kentucky when a couple of tough guys, one wearing a Halloween mask from the movie “Scream,” try to rob a cell phone store and quickly learn the clerk is not easily scared. The Franklin Police Department is asking the public’s…