• [VIDEO] Armed Frenchman Has Concealed Firearm Ready To Fend Off Large Group Of Thugs

    If you haven’t been living under a rock for the past five years, there’s a good chance you’ve heard of the mass migration of African asylum seekers to the European Union.  Many of them have been granted temporary asylum in France, Germany, Spain and other Western European countries while the European Union tries to figure…

  • Pair Of Concealed Carriers Thwart Armed Robbers In Barbershop, Saving Lives

    COLUMBIA, SOUTH CAROLINA — Two licensed concealed carry permit holders turned the tables on two armed thugs who barged into a barber shop wearing masks Friday night, demanding money from everyone inside. Along with children, the frightened patrons began handing over valuables to the loner thugs. At the right opportunity, two legally armed citizens, who…

  • #DIGTHERIG – Eric and his Glock 19

    CLICK HERE TO SUBMIT YOUR #DIGTHERIG | SEE MORE SUBMISSIONS HERE I carry gen4 Glock 19, side note the knife is a smith and wesson border guard. They get along though. I carry my Glock in a alien gear 2.0 which I just recently switched to from appendix carry. I find it extremely comfortable compared to…

  • [CCW IN ACTION] Concealed Carrier, Vietnam Vet Beats Armed Robber On The Draw

    CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS — An elderly Vietnam veteran was a recent victim of an attempted robbery in his own driveway.  According to KRISTV 6, the 69-year-old arrived home with his wife and pulled into the driveway.  His wife got out and headed indoors and he was sure to follow until a man stopped him and…

  • [CCW IN ACTION] Chicago Concealed Carrier Gets Run Over After Shooting Robber

    CHICAGO, ILLINOIS — Just another day in gangland paradise!  In Chicago’s infamous South State Street, a 57-year-old man had a gun held on him by a 20-year-old robber.  The older man managed to draw his concealed carry pistol and shoot the robber in the elbow.  The robber, in retaliation, got into his car and ran…

  • #DIGTHERIG – Jamie and his Sig Sauer P320

    CLICK HERE TO SUBMIT YOUR #DIGTHERIG | SEE MORE SUBMISSIONS HERE 1. Sig Sauer P320 compact medium 2. Alien Gear cloak tuck 3.0 3. I really like these Alien gears holsters.Comfort,concealability,quality.I have one for my sig and one for my mp45.Highly recommended.

  • Homeowner Stays Armed In The House — Finds Knife-Wielding Man Inside And It Turns Out Great!

    WILLMAR, MINNESOTA — A Willmar homeowner returned home to find a man wielding a knife in the middle of his living room.  Using his pistol, which he was licensed to carry, he held the suspect at gunpoint and called 911.  During the encounter, he allowed the suspect to leave after putting his buck knife down. …

  • [CCW IN ACTION] Tables Turned On Armed ATM Robber And Getaway Driver

    FRESNO, CALIFORNIA — A retired police officer and concealed carrier went to the ATM at 5 am to pick up lunch money before a long day.  It was then, according to ABC 30 Action News, that 32-year-old Jeremy Lynd approached the concealed carrier from behind.  Fresno police recount that Lynd then said something to the…

  • Armed T-Mobile Employee Defends Entire Store Against Armed Robbers In Chicago

    CHICAGO, ILLINOIS — A T-Mobile store which has been targeted on numerous occasions by armed robbers was also the location of a recent defensive gun use incident involving an employee. According to ABC 7 Eyewitness News, a store employee with a legal permit to carry a concealed firearm, opened fire after two armed robbers withdrew…