Beginners Guides
As a long time concealed carrier, I enjoy watching videos and reading articles on the subject of CCW. Whether it’s a reminder of an idea that I should be aware of or a pointer that I never thought of, the subject of concealed carry excites me. Many people find pleasure with disagreeing with the author…
The Grey Man Concept and Clothing Choice
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“One who excels as a warrior does not appear formidable” – Lao Tzu There is a concept known as “grey man” that is discussed extensively within self-defense and tactical circles and it generally suggests that blending in with your surroundings and not standing out is beneficial: be the “grey man.” We don’t want to stand…
When talking about personal defense, many people say, “But I Could Never Shoot Someone.” This video explains the difference between people like that and those who carry a gun everyday. It also explains the mindset of a criminal. In line with this video from TheFireArmGuy, we pose the question that we’ve posed before; as a…
[VIDEO] How Much Does Situational Awareness Matter? Put Your Phone Down And Find Out Here
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Too often we find ourselves sucked into the black hole of our phones. Whether it be a social media post, texting our friends or looking for directions and that makes us vulnerable to criminals. Awareness is our biggest ally when it comes to avoiding a deadly encounter. In this Episode of Finding Fearless join Jenn…
How To Remove Rust From A Handgun
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Most modern firearms are anodized with a coating that protects against surface rust from forming. However, even anodized and blued surfaces have their limit. In this article, we’ll talk about some simple strategies to removing surface rust from a handgun. 3 Things To Avoid When Removing Rust From A Handgun There’s a lot of misconceptions…
Handgun manufacturers often produce a handgun with an optional external safety. This is mostly for legal reasons as a few states are highly restrictive about what handguns its citizens can buy. Most times when this happens, a handgun manufacturer will also produce that same model of pistol without an external safety. Another reason for external…