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Delivery Driver Shot In Back, Still Fired Back To Win The Fight

ATLANTA, GEORGIA — A delivery driver was approached by two woman while working, when two men came up to his vehicle to cause trouble.

It’s a not-so-uncommon occurrence when these thugs attempt a robbery, and it’s always best to make sure that you’re aware of your surroundings. Luckily, the driver was armed and ready to fight back to save his life.

From local reports;

Police say one of the men shot the driver in the back. The victim returned fire, hitting one of the men in the leg. Officers arrested that man a short distance away from the initial scene.

Police are still looking for both women and the other man. The injured parties both sustained non-life threatening in juries and were taken to the hospital. One gets to go home, and the other gets to go to jail once released.

Being a delivery driver is not the safest job in the world, and they encounter thugs on a daily basis because they’re seen as easy targets. If more drivers were armed and willing to defend themselves, these occurrences would happen less and less. It’s science.

More guns in the hands of the law-abiding equals less crime. Why? Because these thugs know which targets are typically easy and which ones would prove more difficult.

Even thugs do science.

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