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Woman Intervenes With Her Gun During Attempted Purse Snatching Of Elderly Woman

FRANKLIN, OHIO — A woman driving down the road noticed trouble and decided to take action. An 84-year-old woman was walking down main street when a man with a gun stole her purse. Seeing this, the armed citizen pulled a u-turn. Her name is Mary Moore.

The purse thief was about to come face-to-face with an armed citizen, and it put a pretty big damper on his plans.

Moore says she caught up with the suspect and ordered him to drop the purse, but he refused.

She finally convinced him to do so with some added convincing by pointing her gun at him. He dropped the purse and ran.

Another witness, Paul Bruns, then took the opportunity to go after the fleeing suspect. That suspect was last seen heading down a bike trail.

While he may have gotten away, hopefully he’ll be thinking twice before trying to rob someone again. You never know who is around and willing to step up and aid a person in need of help, and they could simply be driving by and have just enough situational awareness to notice what’s going on.

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