
[VIDEO] Man Tells Other Driver To Put His Gun Down And He Pulls The Trigger Instead

People aren’t going to act the way you want, and they’re not always going to do as you ask. In this case, an apparent road rage incident out of Michigan, a driver yells to another driver to put his gun down.

That’s not what happened, and the other driver decided instead to fire a shot.

The end of the video shows the police examining a bullet hole in the vehicle and taking down information. As far as we know, this gun-shooting-road-rager is still out there raging.

Which brings us to the main point: Get away. Deescalate. Do what you can to REMOVE yourself from the situation. Time and time again, we see people poked when we don’t know what those people are capable of. It’s not worth the risk, because the risks can be great.

Luckily, no one was injured during this incident. It’s a miracle if you as me.

Be smart out there.

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