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2 Shot During Private Gun Sale Ambush, Suspects Run To Neighboring Home For Help

MADISON, OHIO — Two individuals, James Contreras Garcia, 19, and Adonnys Contreras Garcia, 20, were arrested by the Butler County Sheriff’s Office following a shooting incident on Sunday night in Madison Township. The brothers face charges of aggravated robbery, and Adonnys is additionally charged with felony assault. Both are currently held in the Middletown City Jail.

The incident occurred at 4877 Eck Road around 7:45 p.m., where deputies discovered two gunshot victims who were subsequently hospitalized. The shooting reportedly originated from a conflict during what was intended to be a private gun sale, as described by a neighbor speaking to local media. According to this account, the victims were ambushed by the suspects during the sale. In the ensuing altercation, shots were exchanged, resulting in injuries to both parties.

After the incident, the suspects sought refuge at a nearby residence, where they got assistance from a neighbor. The neighbor, who later spoke to local media, recounted attending to the wounded individuals until emergency services arrived.

The condition of both the injured suspect and injured victim were not immediately available.

Ohio allows the private sale of firearms under certain conditions, but it’s important to remember to be smart about them. Deals should be done during daylight, and in a location that isn’t isolated, including your home. These safety measures can help negate some of these unfortunate outcomes.

Luckily, at least one of the targets was armed and ready to defend. If they hadn’t been, who knows what their fate would have been.

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