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Man Arrested At Florida Cafe For Openly Carrying Firearm, Was Was Wearing Bulletproof Vest And Thought It’d Be Permissible For Halloween

DELAND, FLORIDA — Michael Ribar, 22, was arrested for openly carrying a loaded gun and other weapons at Cafe DaVinci. Concerned citizens alerted authorities around 9 p.m. on a Tuesday. Ribar had a visible 9mm handgun, three loaded magazines, a bulletproof vest, a tactical belt with handcuffs, a baton, and a medical kit. His open carry of the baton led to a second charge.

Police found a live round in the gun’s chamber. Ribar claimed he was returning from a shooting range and hadn’t had time to change, forgetting his conceal carry holster. When questioned about not leaving the gun in his car, Ribar had no response.

Despite being in the process of applying for an armed security guard license, Ribar was not employed as a security guard at the cafe. He mistakenly believed he could open carry in the establishment’s “food” section. Ribar also mentioned it was Halloween, and he thought his outfit might be permissible.

His girlfriend disclosed that Ribar had not been to a gun range or fishing before visiting the bar, contrary to his claim. She also recalled discussing Halloween costumes, with Ribar expressing his intention to wear his vest and firearm.

Cafe DaVinci requested Ribar be banned. He was taken to Volusia County Branch Jail and released on a $1,000 bond. Open carrying of firearms is generally illegal in Florida.

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