
Video Released Showing YouTuber Tanner Cook Being Shot By Concealed Carrier During ‘Prank Video’

In a follow-up to last week’s news that a concealed carrier won’t face charges related to shooting a YouTube prankster, video of the incident was finally released and shows us what led to the shooting.

The YouTuber, Tanner Cook, is attempting to get a reaction from his random target, in this case Alan Colie. Cook continuously puts his phone in Colie’s face, with Colie pushing him away and telling him to stop multiple times. The larger Cook, along with a buddy, continue to follow and pester Colie, disregarding his demands that they leave him alone.

A jury just last week would find Colie not guilty of aggravated malicious wounding.

What do you think about this video? Do you feel that Colie’s actions were justified, now that we can better see the interaction between the two?

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