
Man Who Waved Gun At Walmart Customers Gets 7 Years, Lucky He Didn’t Get Shot

MACON, GEORGIA — A 45-year-old man from Macon, known as Selma Oliver-Smith, received his sentence on July 10, 2023, for brandishing a firearm at Walmart customers back in August 2021. The exact terminology used was “aggressively waving a gun at people who approached him inside the store,” which would be a scary encounter for anyone involved.

Known to Bibb County deputies due to his criminal past, which includes burglary and theft convictions, Oliver-Smith was found in a nearby motel room with two hidden firearms, one of which matched a photo from Walmart.

As a convicted felon, he is prohibited from owning firearms.

Bibb County Sheriff David Davis remarked that this case underscores the justice system’s intolerance towards individuals threatening public safety.

After a two-day trial on April 11, Oliver-Smith was found guilty of illegal firearm possession. His punishment includes seven years of incarceration followed by three years of supervised release.

As an armed citizen, it wouldn’t have surprised me if Oliver-Smith were shot during this incident. Displaying a gun at people in a threatening manner is a quick way to get yourself injured or killed.

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