
Teen Shot In Both Arms And Both Legs At Gas Station

SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS — A young man is currently recuperating following a shooting incident which left him wounded in all four limbs at a city center gas station on Friday night, as reported by law enforcement.

The incident transpired at precisely 9:13 p.m. Friday on the 500 block of W Cevallos Street.

According to authorities, a 19-year-old was stationed in the driver’s side of his vehicle with the passenger side window down. An unidentified person approached him, opened fire, and then departed from the scene.

Following the attack, the young man managed to drive across the parking lot and get help, as detailed by law enforcement present at the location.

San Antonio Police Department (SAPD) confirmed that he was promptly transported to a nearby medical facility in stable condition, suffering from a bullet wound in each arm and leg.

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