
NC General Assembly Repeals Pistol Purchase Permit Law and Church Carry Loophole

Raleigh, NC — Gun rights supporters in North Carolina have just won a major legislative victory as Senate Bill 41 – which includes repeals of both the church carry loophole and pistol purchase permit – passed in the NC House Wednesday by a veto-proof majority. The bill, already passed by the Senate, now goes to anti-gun Governor Roy Cooper, who is expected to veto the bill within the 10 days allotted.  

“The passage of Senate Bill 41 is a great victory for the Second Amendment. GOA is incredibly grateful to leadership in the General Assembly, to many of the rank-and-file members who were ‘main movers’ of the legislation, and also to the courageous House Democrats who voted to overturn this old racist statute,” said Andy Stevens, GOA’s NC State Director. “We also can’t emphasize enough the critical impact our grassroots members and supporters had in making this happen, as their emails and phone calls made this victory inevitable. With an absolute supermajority in the Senate and a bipartisan supermajority in the House, we are confident that we will override the veto expected from anti-freedom Governor Roy Cooper.”

GOA wishes to thank Senate President Pro Tem Phil Berger and House Speaker Tim Moore, as well as sponsors and ‘main movers’ of the bill including: Sens. Danny Britt, Warren Daniel, and Jim Perry, and Reps. Destin Hall, Jay Adams, Hugh Blackwell, Allen Chesser, Kyle Hall, Bobby Hanig, Kelly Hastings, Neal Jackson, Keith Kidwell, Jeff McNeely, Ben Moss, Mark Pless, Jason Saine, and Carson Smith. Additionally, House Democrats Marvin Lucas, Michael Wray, and Shelly Willingham also deserve recognition for their bipartisan support to restore Second Amendment rights to the people of North Carolina. 

GOA spokesmen are available for interviews.  Gun Owners of America is a nonprofit grassroots lobbying organization dedicated to protecting the right to keep and bear arms without compromise. GOA represents over two million members and activists. For more information, visit GOA’s Press Center

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