
You Are Not A Christmas Tree For Your Gun Ornament

I have my opinions on open carry, but if someone still wants to do it, I wouldn’t try to deter them. Still, there is a right way and a wrong way to do almost anything, and the image captured below is absolutely the wrong way to open carry.

The photo, seemingly taken a few days ago in Baton Rouge, LA, is a scary thought to say the least. I’m not sure what the actual goals are here, but there are far better ways to openly carry a handgun.

Like, maybe a holster?

From having this yanked away from the carrier, the gun flopping around while walking, and absolutely no trigger protection, we’re just scratching the surface.

This is where education and understanding come into play and I’m sure (hopefully) that if this person knew the risks and dangers of carrying in this fashion, they’d change their ways.

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