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Armed Customer At Gas Station Stops Suspect Who Was On Violent Crime Spree

ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI — A 26-year-old man was shot and killed by an armed customer at a gas station during what police say was the suspect’s third stop on his crime spree.

Police were investigating an armed robbery at one gas station and a burglary at another when they received a call of shots fired at a third gas station. When they arrived, they found the 26-year-old with a gunshot wound. He was taken to the hospital where he later died.

The armed citizen stopped at the gas station to use the bathroom and purchase an item, and as he was going back to his vehicle he noticed another vehicle pull up. The suspect got out with a backpack and went inside, dragging a female employee to the register while holding a knife to her neck.

“The witness retrieved his 9mm handgun, entered the store, and confronted the suspect,” police said. “The suspect grabbed his backpack and told the witness, ‘I have something for you.’ The suspect then comes from around the counter and approached the witness who fired several times at the suspect who fell to the floor.”

The SUV the suspect was driving was reported stolen, and also fit the description of the vehicle at both gas stations prior to the third location. Stolen items from the second gas station were also recovered from the vehicle.

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