
Two Off-Duty Auxiliary Police Officers Injured in Early Morning Shooting

LORAIN, OHIO — Two Lorain police auxiliary officers were injured when shots were fired into their vehicle as they were returning home from a shift early Sunday morning. The LPD said the officers had worked a support patrol shift and were still in uniform but driving a personal vehicle in the 1600 block of East 34th Street when another driver began to tailgate them aggressively.

The officers pulled over to allow the other car to pass, and someone in the other car began shooting into their vehicle before fleeing the scent. Officer Michael Mizen, 20, was shot in the finger and Officer William Mott, 20, was shot in the forehead. Both were released after being treated at Mercy Hospital and are in stable condition.

The only description of the suspect vehicle was ‘newer and dark-colored,’ and the suspect or suspects are still at large as the investigation and search for the shooters continues. So far in 2021, 39 officers have died from hostile gunfire, compared to 45 for the year in 2020..

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