
Stephen Willeford, The Armed Citizen Who Stopped The Sutherland Springs Church Gunman, Joins Us LIVE For A Q&A On 8/24/2021

On November 5th 2017, a gunman went on a rampage at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas. Nearby was a neighbor who heard the gunshots and made the decision to go after the suspect, which proved successful in stopping the attack. That man was Stephen Willeford, and he joins us LIVE to answer questions and discuss the details of that day and it’s aftermath.

The show can be viewed LIVE below, beginning at 10 pm EST on 8/24/2021. The LIVE will also be streamed at the following locations:

Concealed Nation Facebook page

USA Carry Facebook Page

USA Carry YouTube

You may RSVP to the event here.

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