Multiple Threats Of Mass Shootings At ‘Joker’ Movie Release Today, Feds Issue Warning

Photo courtesy Warner Brothers

Today is opening day for the new Warner Brothers movie Joker, which is already creating controversy even before its been played in theaters.

A few years ago, a mass shooting took place in Aurora, Colorado during a Batman movie, and that incident has created a small following of people obsessed with mass shootings and the perpetrator himself (who is still alive and in prison).

Now, multiple threats of mass shootings have been found online, and the FBI and Department of Homeland Security are issuing warnings to law enforcement across the country.

In a Joint Intelligence Bulletin shared with police this week and obtained by CNN, federal authorities write that the FBI has no information leading to “specific or credible threats to particular locations or venues,” but note that the FBI has received tips of threats posted on social media since at least May.


It’s a sad time for our Country, as we have people who are out there and determined to cause harm to others, to try and ‘one-up’ past mass shooters, and try to make their mark in history by having the media plaster their name and face across devices worldwide.

Police in multiple locations are releasing statements, saying that they’ll have officers at the movie theaters, and even in some of the theaters during the movie.

One of those locations is Las Vegas, where just two years ago the deadliest modern mass shooting took place. The department said the following in regards to the movie and their plans;

The LVMPD is aware of the public’s concern regarding this weekend’s release of the Joker movie. Public safety is our top priority and additional resources will be available to respond to local theaters in the event a police response is necessary. In addition, LVMPD patrol officers may be seen in or around theaters conducting extra patrol. All citizens are encouraged to report any suspicious activity by calling 702 828-7777 or 311/911 or for immediate police assistance.

If you must go see the movie, go with caution and keep that head on a swivel as you normally would. Pay attention to enterences and exits of the location you’re at, and of course be armed. As you normally would be.

This new fear of mass shootings in this Country is something that is probably not going away for some time, unfortunately. It’s up to us to prepare ourselves for such an event, without turning it into paranoia.

We still need to enjoy life, go out and do the things we want to do, but also remember to be prepared, stay alert, and know how to fight if that time were ever to come.

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