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Man Shoots And Kills Suspect Who Was Stabbing 25-Year-Old Woman

TROY, NEW YORK — An off-duty police officer was inside his home Thursday night when he heard a domestic disturbance coming from the floor above him. When he went to investigate, he found a gruesome scene.

According to police, the officer was off-duty Thursday night at his home on 17th Street in Troy, when he heard a domestic incident upstairs. He went to investigate, and discovered a 26-year-old man in the process of stabbing a 25-year-old woman.

via cbs6albany.com

He repeatedly told the man to stop the attack, which the man ignored. With this, he fired at the man with his shotgun, successfully ending the attack.

“This is a horrific incident for him to have to go through as well,” said Deputy Chief Dan DeWolf. “Nobody wants to wake up in the morning in this case he didn’t even go to work. Work came to him.”

The woman was taken to the hospital where she is in critical condition.

The off-duty officer was also taken to the hospital, but his condition or injuries weren’t immediately clear.

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