
Open Carrier Robbed Of His Gun At Gunpoint By Two Teens

HOMUA, LOUSIANNA — A 21-year-old armed citizen, who was openly carrying his handgun, had it stolen at gunpoint when two teens approached him.

Luckily, the teens didn’t make it far and were arrested by a patrolling officer who was in the area.

The police department shared the following information via their Facebook page:

Open carriers get some heat for displaying their firearms sometimes, with many calling it an attention-getter to people such as these teens looking for an easy score.

I carry concealed all the time, and am not a fan of open carry. I’m not faulting this man for open carry, but do put some fault on his situational awareness. Carrying concealed is one thing, and open carry is another. While we should be having excellent situational awareness at all times, it’s even more important if displaying a firearm out in the open.

Along those lines, having a quality retention holster is a must, as you would not want someone coming up behind you and being able to easily pull the firearm from it’s holster.

Stay safe and aware, regardless of your carry setup.

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