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*WATCH* Actual Armed Citizen In Brazil Defends Against Armed Motorcycle Thug

“Actual” because it seems that this armed good guy is a sport shooter and not an officer. This is mentioned because Brazil does not allow its citizens to carry firearms, and nearly every self-defensive use of a firearm that we cover is done by off-duty police.

Glad to be in America, and hoping Brazil wakes up.

Moving on.

With motorcycles in many countries, Brazil included, it’s important to keep an eye on them. Most come in packages of two; meaning two people on the same bike. One to drive, one to rob. It’s a common thing, but this incident only had one thug.

From the video, however, we can clearly see that the intended target had a feeling that something was off and was able to act with extreme quickness.

In the end, the bad guy wound up crashing into a car not too far away, and paid the ultimate price for his poor decisions.

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