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Extremely Negative Outcome From Armed Robbery; Good Guys Shoot Innocent Bystanders And 3 Don’t Make It

Knowing who is the threat, and who isn’t, is something that isn’t always entirely clear during the heat of the moment. I can see how some of the confusion came up during this incident, but it’s still tough to excuse firing on people who you simply think were a part of the armed robbery.

Two actual armed robbers walk up to a few bikers at a gas station. Around the same time, a car pulls up to the other side of the pump. That car has 3 occupants, and none of those 3 occupants have anything to do with the robbery in progress.

Some of the good guys, who are armed, don’t know this when things go down. They fire on the actual bad guys, who end up getting away. Then, believing that the people in the car are in on it, too, fire on them as well.

Two of those people in the car were shot and killed. The third was shot in the foot and went to the good guys for help, but they thought he was a robber playing victim. He wound up getting the daylights knocked out of him by one of the armed good guys, again because of that mistaken identity.

It would take a few days for police to realize that their captured bad guy was actually an innocent bystander who was caught up in the mix.

A woman who was with one of the good guys was also shot and did not survive. She was shot by one of the good guys.

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