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Man Fatally Shot While Leaving Bible Study, His Armed Father Returned Fire On Suspect

ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA — A father, who was leaving bible study with his daughter and father, was fatally shot by a suspect who police are still searching for. They do not believe the attack was random.

After the man was shot, his father, who has a concealed carry permit, fired back as his son tried to run for safety. The daughter, who is said to be under the age of 10, was not injured during the attack. Police say that bystanders protected the girl from any potential harm.

The victim’s father, who has a permit to carry, pulled out a handgun and returned fire as his son ran away. The Star Tribune reports officers following a trail of blood that led to the victim, who died at the scene next to his Bible.

via fox21online.com

This is a story where an armed citizen wasn’t enough to stop a terrible crime from happening, but that’s the reality that we sometimes are faced with.

There is never a solution that will stop 100% of violent crimes, and had the man who was shot been armed himself, it may not have made a difference.

Knowing your surroundings, being cautious and having that head on a swivel are important when moving from place to place.

The father tried what he could, but unfortunately it wasn’t enough to stop the attack or apprehend the suspect.

We can only hope that police are able to bring the person responsible to justice, and hope that the family is able to heal from this terrible and senseless incident.

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