
Father Murders Entire Family, Except 1 Daughter, In Deadly Rampage

A man has been arrested after murdering his wife, two daughters, and family friend in a horrible shooting spree, Independent reports.

Only a three-year-old daughter survived the encounter.

According to the Independent:

(Austin) Smith was arrested on Thursday evening as he drove away from an apartment complex where officers had responded to reports of a shooting. At the building they discovered the body of family friend Ron Freeman, 46.

Police initially said Mr. Smith thought Mr. Freeman was romantically involved with his wife, but a statement later filed in court said the suspect believed it was his brother, who was staying at the complex, who was having an affair with her.

Mr. Smith shot Mr. Freeman after he told him “he was crazy” to think his wife was cheating on him, according to the court filing. He allegedly fired at him repeatedly even as his body laid on the floor and also shot and injured two of Freeman’s friends, a man and a woman, as they tried to help him.


It’s a sad day when we hear of such horror. Evil is out there, and it could be living with us.

I’m going to leave you with this thought — it’s reasonably likely you will find yourself in a bit of relational trouble at some point in your life.

There may be a physical threat presented to you — in such a case, please take advantage of the God-given right to carry.

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