[VIDEO] Wrong House, Buster! Armed Man Storms Home, Resident Takes Control Of Situation, Girlfriend Useless

News reports say that this video is legit. While the authenticity of the video is being disputed around the interwebs (for some reason), it does give us some lessons to learn.

First, let’s watch the video.


A woman on the couch, a man in the kitchen, an armed man kicking in the front door.

Video footage, taken from inside the victim’s home, showed a man enter the home wearing a black hoodie and carrying a black bag and what appears to be a shotgun. The victim, Caspian “Cash” Shamel, explained the footage was caught on a motion-activated security camera.

The video shows Shamel wrestled the man to the ground. After a struggle, the man, identified as Eddie Walker, 28, attempted to flee.

East Idaho News

The woman’s reaction doesn’t seem too out of place in the beginning. Her reaction was slow, but that’s not at all uncommon. Then, she freezes for the duration of the invasion until the bad guy is out the door.

The man inside the home took quick action, grabbing the barrel of the shotgun and taking control of the situation by maintaining a strong grip on the gun. The intruder is seen literally dragging both gun and the man out of the house, simply because he doesn’t want to give up the gun.

But then, the intruder says something strange; “What the ****, bro!”

If you’re an armed intruder, and someone inside the home fights back, this is hardly a response a normal person would give when faced with resistance.

Then, the best line of the video from the resident; “WRONG HOUSE, BUSTER!”

Then, there’s the girlfriend.

I understand that everyone will handle situations like this differently, but it’s tough to watch someone sit by and offer zero assistance when two people are fighting over a gun on the floor. There are, of course, a multitude of answers to why this happened, and I’m really just stating personal opinion here.

At the very least, try to call 911 and keep the line open. You don’t even need to talk. The good thing, though, is that she got to safety as soon –and as quickly– as she could once she felt the time was right.

“I instantly reacted. A physical interaction ensued,” Shamel told EastIdahoNews.com. “I refused to let go of the firearm and he dragged me down my stairs. At the steps, to my porch, he slipped on ice. I gained the upper hand, and immediately landed a numerous number of blows with my heel and knee. (I) disarmed him and tossed his weapon inside.”

At some point, roommates inside the home woke up and offered assistance outside. It’s at this time that Shamel grabbed a gun of his own to better take control of the situation.

A better scenario; Male resident fights with armed intruder while female resident draws her gun. I bet that would have loosened the bad guy’s grip on his own gun, and he’d be out of there in a hurry.

This shows us how quickly a home invasion can occur. Are you prepared while relaxing inside your home?

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