This is one of those things that could have gone very wrong a lot of times. Luckily for this gun owner, the barrel held up and didn’t blow up.
Hi-Point posted on their Facebook page recently about a firearm that a customer had sent to them. He wanted to know why it wasn’t accurate, so the company said they would investigate.
What they found was a whopping 35 rounds squeezed into the barrel. He was literally under the impression that the target was simply being missed, when in fact the bullets never even made it out of the barrel.
For anyone who can’t see the embedded Facebook post above, it reads;
How many rounds of 45Auto can you fit in the barrel of a 4595TS?
Well this guy managed to squeeze 35 rounds in there.
When he called stating he was having accuracy issues he had no idea the rounds had not left the barrel.
After receiving his carbine in we discovered the issue, rebareled his 4595TS and sent it back to him.
Hows that for customer service?
This guy is lucky the thing didn’t blow up in his hands, and should stand as a testament to the durability of this firearm.
In the end, the customer learned his mistake, the company fixed things and sent him back a functioning gun, and we got our cringe for the day.