
Xmas Eve Intruder Toe Sucking: This Guy Woke Up To It

BRADENTON, FLORIDA — Now that you know this story is based out of Florida, the headline isn’t all that shocking anymore.

According to police, a man woke up on Christmas Eve to an intruder sucking his toes as he slept.

Yea, you read that right.

When the Bradenton resident asked the stranger what he was doing in his house, the stranger said he “was there to suck toes,” according to an incident report obtained by the Bradenton Herald.

via news10.com

A fight between the two soon took place, and the intruder told the man that he had a gun. During the struggle, police say the intruder grabbed the man’s genitals.

The man was eventually able to get the intruder to leave, but not before he broke through a window and also bashed in a car window as well.

When police arrived, investigators had to do some pretty awkward DNA sampling.

The Herald reports that investigators swabbed the victim’s toes for DNA and tried to track the suspect with a police dog, but the alleged toe-sucking burglar escaped.

If this were at my house, this intruder would have had, at the very least, been held at gunpoint until police arrived. Who knows whether he was high on drugs or just simply out of his mind, but that’s something that doesn’t fly.

How would you have reacted to such a bizarre incident?

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